Dear Parents,
We’ve enjoyed a great first month of school here at Granite Baptist Academy. Students are studying hard and
participating in a variety of schoolwide activities.

Looking Back
• Revival services took place in our school the week of September 2nd. Mr. Berg and Evangelist Kyle
England preached to our students over the course of two days, and nine students accepted Christ
during this time!
• Our Granite soccer and volleyball teams are dominating on the field and on the court!
• Secondary students are enjoying new elective classes including photography, theatre, art, choir, and
Bible quizzing.
• Many of our students have begun participating in music lessons and academic tutoring sessions.
There’s still time if you want to enroll in our Fall Sale (six lessons for the price of five).
• Our Color Fun Run fundraiser is off to a great start! Registered students participated in a Mega Color
Explosion Rainbow Day today, wearing bright colors and enjoying colorful ice cream.

Looking Ahead
There are so many things to get excited about this fall!
• School Closed on September 26-27 for Teachers In-Service.
• Senior Information Night: Seniors and their parents should plan to attend a meeting in the Great
Room at 7 PM on September 30 for an informational session.
• Spirit Day: Our fall Spirit Day event is October 1! We have scheduled a boys soccer game against
Odenton at 1:00 pm, a girls varsity volleyball game at 2:00 and girls JV game at 4:00 pm. Lunch order
forms have been emailed so parents who are interested can purchase a cook-out lunch for their child.
The lunch room will not be available for heat-ups or lunch orders. For Fall Spirit Day only, all students
may wear a GBS Spirit shirt with their regular uniform skirt, pants or jumper (i.e. the new Guardians Tshirt, P.E. shirt, Little Braves T-shirt, summer school shirt, etc.).
• Senior Portraits: Senior portraits will be taken on October 1.
• Athletics
o Lil’ Guardians (grades K5-6) will kick off their soccer season in October. Emails with
registration/payment information will be sent home soon.
o Sign-ups for basketball and cheer in the secondary (7-12 grades) have started, and our
basketball season will begin in November.
• Arts: Our arts department is sponsoring a Book Character Pumpkin Decorating competition in October!
More details will be sent home soon.
• Fall Field Trips:
o K4 will go to the pumpkin patch on September 24.
o K5 will go to the pumpkin patch on October 3.
o 5th-6th grades will go to the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center on Oct. 4.
o K3 will go to the pumpkin patch on October 10.
o 3-4 grades will go to the aquarium on October 29.
o 1-2 grades will go to the Science Center on November 12.
• Bookworm Club: Encourage your child to read, log their progress, & earn prizes!
• Color Fun Run: Please consider registering your child for the Color Fun Run if you haven’t already.
Prizes are available to students who receive donations and to classes who achieve at least 90%
participation. This will be a really fun event for the school!
• SGA: Student Government Association elections will take place on October 2nd. Students are already
campaigning and giving speeches in chapel.
• PTA: The Parent Teacher Association will have its first meeting on October 1. Please email Mrs.
Mahoney at if you have any questions or wish to participate.

Medication Administration: In accordance with Maryland law, students must have a note signed by a doctor
to receive any medication at school.
Student Dress: Students must wear their regular school uniforms (not P.E. uniforms) to every school activity.
Visitor Policy: Please check in at the desk if you’re on campus at any time.
Sick Policy: If your student is sick or has a fever over 100 degrees, please keep them home.
Lost & Found: Lost and found is available from 8-8:15 and 3-3:15 each day. To encourage responsibility,
twenty-five cents is charged to elementary students who wish to retrieve lost items; one dollar is charged to
secondary students.
Food Allergies: Please be advised that all food sold in the lunchroom may contain peanuts, tree nuts, wheat,
dairy, or soy.
• Elementary aftercare meets in the gym on Wednesdays, and on other days it will meet in rooms 5, 6,
and 7. On sunny days we may post signs on the door and go to the playground.
• Please ensure you’re sending extra water and snacks for kids in aftercare.
• Secondary students should report to the gym at 3:20 to be assigned a location.