Fine Arts

About Fine Arts

As our students grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, their development in and out of the classroom is paramount. Much like athletics, the fine arts offer students opportunities to expand their talents to serve their creator through the precise practices demanded by the various disciplines.

Elementary Fine Arts
Elementary Fine Arts

Our Elementary have bountiful opportunities to grow their talents. Ranging from Music class each week, art, creative writing and more. Our students participate in a Christmas program each winter as well as various performances throughout the year. our 4th-6th grade compete in the ABCS fine arts competition.

Secondary Fine Arts
Secondary Fine Arts

Our middle school and high school also perform in our Christmas program. They also have competition in the ABCS fine arts in fields such as photography, speech, preaching, vocal and instrumental solos, history and science projects, and so many more. We offer choir electives that compete each year as well. Returning this year, we will be putting on a spring drama performance.